Friends for TASK



We aim to reduce waste, help students earn volunteer hours, and join hands in support of the extraordinary work carried out by the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and the Cathedral Kitchen.

Our goal is simple: to make a positive impact. We're tackling waste reduction and involving students in volunteer work to support organizations like the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and the Cathedral Kitchen. Our focus is on building a stronger community and helping those who need it most. Through these efforts, we're teaching valuable skills and fostering a sense of responsibility among students. Together, we're proving that even small actions can lead to significant changes!


We join hands to provide utensils in support of the incredible work carried out by two community service organizations






What we've done

We have helped coordinate the efforts of several high-school students and conducted a Holiday drive which produced over five thousand utensil packets. These were donated to soup kitchens in support of their meal services. This also generated funds to support the purchase of additional supplies to alleviate the burden on soup kitchens.

We are partnering with a local Girl Scouts team to help spread the message and offer service hours to the scouts as a part of our program.

We are also preparing to participate in a local community event to generate interest among members of the community and engage them in any way they can to support this initiative.